Thursday, September 29, 2011

Barn Rules for The Well-Mannered Dog Owner

I found this on and thought I would share....

1. If you keep your horse at a boarding facility, be sure to ask the owner or barn manager if non-resident dogs are welcome and if any areas are dog-free zones. Just because there are resident dogs there, don’t assume it is okay to bring yours. Horses are the focus at horse barns, not dogs. Don’t be offended if you are asked to leave your dog home.
2. Always keep your dog on-leash if you do not have him her 100% trained to obey verbal commands under all circumstances.
3. Don’t assume every horse (and every person) is comfortable around dogs. Some horses (and people) are uncomfortable around even calm, friendly dogs.
4. Be especially careful with puppies and small dogs that horses (and people) can unknowingly step on. Never take them along for a ride.
5. Don’t let your dog enter stalls, arena or turnout areas.
6. Curb your herding breed dog’s natural instincts to bark, chase or nip at horses’ heels.
7. Carry clean-up bags with you and immediately scoop up dog waste.
8. Bring your own water bowl. Be sure your dog doesn’t help himself to barn cat’s food dish, other boarders’ snacks, etc.
9. Don’t ask other people to “watch your dog.” If you can’t supervise him, leave him home or put him safely in his crate. If he barks in the crate, leave him home until you have trained him not to.
10. Be sure your dogs are up-to-date on required immunizations.